The Academy

Get prepared for your first. All the content you need to start your ultra distance journey is here (tutorials, tips, tricks and stories from our team and BikingMan veterans).

Stage 1 – Getting prepared

You’ve made up your mind and are willing the catch the ultracycling wagon, pushed by that desire to discover more of the world, more of yourself. But before the D-day, a first journey is necessary: getting prepared.

The following ressources are meant to guide you through this process, helping you defining and creating your bike, finding and fitting the necessary equipment, adjusting your bike to your body, your fitness and your race objectives.

BikingMan Academy Stage 1 - Prepare for ultracycling

Prepare yourself for ultracycling

Prepare yourself for ultracycling

Discover our new video series for the BikingMan Academy "Preparing for Ultracycling" developed to assist you in this crucial and recurring stage of preparing for ultra-distance by...

Get ready with the BikingMan France recce

Put yourself in the ideal conditions to get started by following Axel in his presentation and his recognition of BikingMan France before its 2nd edition. Find in...

Lighting for ultracycling

When it comes to long distance, and therefore this is even more the case for ultracycling and BikingMan, you will spend hours on the bike with a...

Mini-series with ProBikeShop

Axel meets with ProBikeShop again for a mini-series about Ultracycling and the experience of cycling long distance and how to prepare for such long rides. Follow the...

Ravitalk about ultracycling

Let's take advantage of Axel's invitation by ProBikeShop to discuss many aspects of ultra-distance and specifically ultracycling. A lively discussion to learn more about the practice,...

Learn about your race

To run a good preparation, you need to adapt it to your upcoming race. This requires to learn about it, study its race course, know its challenges,...

Get inspired

Inspiration is a great motivation source to get going, and this applies to ultracycling as well. This is why you may want to check out the movies from...

How to prepare for ultradistance riding

This academy segment will cover some of the key aspects of your preparation to an ultradistance bikepacking ride, or race. It covers the following topics: -Physical training,...

The minimum kit for ultra bikepacking

This academy segment will take you through the minimum kit you should take with you in the context of bikepacking for ultra-distance. This means the necessary tools...

Choosing the best ultra bike

In this academy segment, we will guide you in defining the best bike for your needs, and above all budget, by covering the 10 main topics when...

Stage 2 – Managing your race

There is a lot more than just pedaling to reach the finish line of an ultracycling event. From the random punctures and mechanical issues, to the multiple pains that can appear on a long distance ride, to the challenges of the weather conditions and elevation, to navigation and refueling…
Bikepacking over ultra distances features many aspects you will have to overcome, not to mention the mental strength to get through all this.

So follow along to learn how to cope with these.

BikingMan Academy Stage 2 - How to manage your ride

In the heart of the adventure – Nico Faure

In the heart of the adventure – Nico Faure

Nico Faure, 3rd finisher of the BikingMan Corsica 2021 and sad DNF on the France stage, shares with us his experience during this last stage, dear to his heart as...

The start of my new life – Thomas Delaplace

The start of my new life – Thomas Delaplace

A few weeks ago, Thomas Delaplace participated in his first BikingMan. And for a first, his choice fell on a choice piece: the Pyrenees, the Basque Country and a simply...

Inside BikingMan Brazil with Axel

Inside BikingMan Brazil with Axel

Follow Axel and live his experience of the BikingMan Brazil from the inside, from check-in and the bike checks, to the finishline and the joy of having completed one of...

The multiple Corsican experiences of the FastClub

The multiple Corsican experiences of the FastClub

A BikingMan, as any ultra race, can be approached in many ways, every one joining to find something different. Between pure competitors and cyclists eager for wide open spaces, there...

BikingMan AURA: The Confirmation

BikingMan AURA: The Confirmation

When you are a spectator of a participant's performance, you often forget that you had to put together a lot of cogs to get there, and even more the next...

Bikingcrash in AURA

Bikingcrash in AURA

It is a somewhat singular story that we share with you since, fortunately something quite rare, it is one of an adventure that ended with a fall. If Rémi shared...

AURA in duo for the turtle

AURA in duo for the turtle

Today, we are sharing another feedback on the 2022 edition of the BikingMan AURA, which nicely complements the experiences of Rémi and Patrick. This time, Damien dit La Tortue, gone...

Stage 3 – Leverage your riding

You have accomplished your first objective, reaching the finish line? Now it’s time to take the next steps and build on this experience to learn and develop even more.

Whether physically, mentally, logistically or technically, there are plenty of areas where you may want to improve. These segments are meant to help you identify where and how you can leverage your riding.

BikingMan Academy Stage 3 - Leverage your riding

Learn from your mistakes (and others’)

In this new Academy video, and first for Stage 3, we have compiled a list of the 9 most frequent errors we have witnessed on BikingMan events. Axel...

9 strategy tips from Clément Clisson

Euskadi has just ended and demonstrated the importance of good preparation to face the intense challenges that the course offered. Another important aspect, which can be...

Discover the bike of Bérengère, the AURA champion

After a first participation which led her to a brilliant general position and to win the female category, we spoke with Bérengère so that she presented her unique...

Discover the Bousquet tandem, the first finisher tandem of a BikingMan

After a first attempt aborted by the Meunier brothers during the BikingMan AURA, the BikingMan Portugal will have seen the first tandem cross the finish line with the...

Discover Benoit’s Fixie

Completing a BikingMan is already a huge challenge in itself, with the 1000 kms of the sprint format generally accompanied by 15 to 20,000m of elevation. However,...

Parasports and BikingMan

Parasports and BikingMan

It has always been important to us that BikingMan be open to as many people as possible. It is with the greatest pleasure that we will share...

Race ReportsRead the experiences and stories from our veteran participants

Ultra Women

Ultra Women

BikingMan races can be the source of fabulous stories, thanks to the variety of amazing people it gathers, coming from many different countries and backgrounds. Today's race report makes definitely...

Sprint away from the sun

Sprint away from the sun

New race report today, from the 2020 edition of BikingMan Oman Sprint with Jean-Philippe telling the story of his bike adventure in the sultanate. Especially how he had to fight...

Family ride episode 2

Family ride episode 2

After a first successful experience on the 2019 BikingMan Corsica, Clémence's home territory, it was time for more adventure this winter as they had enrolled for another ride in the...

Tough route in tough conditions

Tough route in tough conditions

This year's edition of BikingMan Taiwan was brutal. It was not particularly easy last year, but the changes brought to the route for 2019, to avoid boring urban areas when...

Scratching with benefits

Scratching with benefits

Today's race report is a special one. It's a special one first because it comes with the words of veteran Marcus, who has an undeniable talent for writing, but it's...

Buddy story in Portugal

Buddy story in Portugal

After an impressive first ultra experience in the peruvian Andes, finishing 4th of the 3rd edition of IncaDivide, Guillaume was back for a different flavor of ultracycling, this time a...

Corsican cold

Corsican cold

After a podium finish for his second attempt in Oman, Jason was back for more on the mediterranean island. Applying the famous mantra "light is right", with a rather minimalistic...

A magic backcloth

A magic backcloth

Today, a race report from one of our BikingMan legends, and veteran rider, Rob. After successfully completing Corsica and Taiwan, and before willing to tackle the peruvian Andes, Rob had...

Ultra Duo in Taiwan

Ultra Duo in Taiwan

Romain shares his story beyond the race of Taiwan, from his meeting with Simon, pair partner in Asia, to the decision process to join Taiwan as a pair, to the...

Start of an ultra journey

Start of an ultra journey

Describing herself as a "flatlander" with a rich experience in track cycling, with several record attempts, Jasmijn flet incredibly attracted by the images and stories out of BikingMan Oman inaugural...

Fighting against sleep

Fighting against sleep

Taiwan is full of surprises. The first one obviously is its discovery itself as only few have a good idea of what the island is made of. Then, there was...

Didn’t get enough reading to fulfill your hunger? Check out our latest posts, with news, interviews and more.

The Sport en France program offered a special moment for fans of adventure cycling by hosting the champions of the 2024 BikingMan …

Ready to take on the BikingMan 555 in the Alpes-Maritimes or the Vercors? Here are Axel Carion’s recommendations for choosing the right …

Salam alaykoum! BikingMan X Morocco 2024 has officially come to an end. A total of 103 participants crossed the finish line within …

The BikingMan Academy, the one source to get started in your ultracycling journey
Completez votre profil Hall of Fame / Complete your Hall of Fame profileAjoutez vos réseaux sociaux, rédigez une courte bio, corrigez vos informations / Add your social networks account, write your short bio, correct your information

Améliorez votre profil Hall of Fame en tirant le meilleur parti de celui-ci :

  • Ajoutez vos comptes de réseaux sociaux et permettez à tout le monde de consulter vos pages et suivre vos exploits
  • Écrivez votre biographie et dites à tout le monde qui vous êtes et ce que vous faites en quelques phrases
  • Une information est incorrecte ? Faites-le nous savoir et nous la corrigerons.

Improve your Hall of Fame profile by making the most out of it:

  • Provide your social networks account and allow everyone to check your pages and follow your feats
  • Write your bio and let everyone know who you are and what you do in a couple sentences
  • Any information is incorrect? Let us know and we will fix it. 
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About BikingMAN

BikingMan is the 1st unsupported ultracycling world championship. We share our passion of exploration cycling, bikepacking and long distance feats and help financing solidarity actions.

#Explore #Endure #Empower

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