EscapeBoard of achievements

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Felipe Baumel E200 20240614

Felipe Baumel

Male - 0 yo 2024-06-14
Ride distance 333 km
Ride elevation 6058 m
Ride time 17h59m
Daniel Lins E200 20240608

Daniel Lins

Male - 34 yo 2024-06-08
Ride distance 400 km
Ride elevation 6160 m
Ride time 19h25m
Ailton Augusto E200 20240608

Ailton Augusto

Male - 38 yo 2024-06-08
Ride distance 208 km
Ride elevation 3756 m
Ride time 11h43m
Rodrigo Yoshima E200 20240608

Rodrigo Yoshima

Male - 46 yo 2024-06-08
Ride distance 204 km
Ride elevation 3979 m
Ride time 10h55m
Thiago Antônio Bonfim Araújo E200 20240608

Thiago Antônio Bonfim Araújo

Male - 42 yo 2024-06-08
Ride distance 217 km
Ride elevation 8961 m
Ride time 16h36m
Laura Marques E200 20240608

Laura Marques

Female - 39 yo 2024-06-08
Ride distance 217 km
Ride elevation 8987 m
Ride time 19h22m
Rodrigo Silva dos Santos E200 2024

Rodrigo Silva dos Santos

Male - 40 yo 2024-06-08
Ride distance 200 km
Ride elevation 2000 m
Ride time 24h38m
Tiago Rossignolo E200 20240530

Tiago Rossignolo

Male - 42 yo 2024-05-30
Ride distance 216 km
Ride elevation 2815 m
Ride time 11h07m
Alessandra Martins de Campos E200 20240531

Alessandra Martins de Campos

Female - 37 yo 2024-05-31
Ride distance 282 km
Ride elevation 5472 m
Ride time 17h08m
Carlos Buturi Júnior E200 20240531

Carlos Buturi Júnior

Male - 36 yo 2024-05-31
Ride distance 284 km
Ride elevation 5516 m
Ride time 15h05m
Alexis Coldefy E200 20240419

Alexis Coldefy

Male - 18 yo 2024-04-19
Ride distance 205 km
Ride elevation 3002 m
Ride time 07h48m
Thomas Beaud E200 20240224

Thomas Beaud

Male - 36 yo 2024-02-23
Ride distance 225 km
Ride elevation 3025 m
Ride time 10h50m
Pedro Lobão E200 20240602

Pedro Lobão

Male - 29 yo 2024-06-02
Ride distance 250 km
Ride elevation 3810 m
Ride time 10h19m
Fabiano Brandão E200 20240602

Fabiano Brandão

Male - 49 yo 2024-06-02
Ride distance 301 km
Ride elevation 2747 m
Ride time 10h16m
Vinicius Ferro E200 20240601

Vinicius Ferro

Male - 36 yo 2024-06-01
Ride distance 262 km
Ride elevation 3874 m
Ride time 14h47m
Matheus Drumond Chaves E200 20240601

Matheus Drumond Chaves

Male - 27 yo 2024-06-01
Ride distance 201 km
Ride elevation 3628 m
Ride time 08h55m
Adriana Pedro E200 20240530

Adriana Pedro

Female - 45 yo 2024-05-30
Ride distance 216 km
Ride elevation 2815 m
Ride time 11h07m
Leonardo Eroico E200 20240524

Leonardo Eroico

Male - 43 yo 2024-05-25
Ride distance 227 km
Ride elevation 2914 m
Ride time 09h09m
Eduardo Carneiro Gimenez E200 20240525

Eduardo Carneiro Gimenez

Male - 42 yo 2024-05-25
Ride distance 235 km
Ride elevation 3756 m
Ride time 10h10m
Samuel Jousselin E200 20240601

Samuel Jousselin

Male - 53 yo 2024-06-01
Ride distance 200 km
Ride elevation 2915 m
Ride time 12h05m
Escape achievements Archive - BikingMan
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  • Provide your social networks account and allow everyone to check your pages and follow your feats
  • Write your bio and let everyone know who you are and what you do in a couple sentences
  • Any information is incorrect? Let us know and we will fix it. 
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