Axel Carion

Cycling Shaman
Axel is the cyclist of the team. He has spent almost 1,000,000 meters of climbing to date on his bike on tough, remote but beautiful roads.

Sri Lanka 2024 has been an epic ultracycling gravel race for the 50 participants who dared to explore the Pearl of …

Sri Lanka 2024 is revealed in video with the official presentation by Axel Carion and our partner Sri Lankan Airlines. In …

The 2024 BikingMan calendar continues to be revealed with a live presentation of the 2024 routes. In 2024, the BikingMan series …

The 2024 dashboard is your dedicated space for participating in BikingMan. Welcome to 2024! Axel presents in detail the platform that …

Corsica #3 was supposed to start tomorrow at 5:00 am (french time) from Biguglia village! Due to the global lockdown, the race …

Discover the interview on France 24 of the founder of BikingMan: Axel Carion who shares few words about the epic 2019 edition …

The Radavist has featured the four stages of 2019 series with great shots and words from several reporters who joined and documented …

The dutch cycling website has featured the 3 stages of 2019 series with a selection of the best shots taken by David …

Euronews was present in Oman to cover the second edition of the exploration cycling race in the Sultanate of Oman which …

Heather Duncan from UB-cool, a webzine dedicated to adventures, explorations, interviewed Axel the man behind Biking Man. Read on and get ready …

What is the best bikepacking configuration to explore Laos? After spending 5 days on the entire race course and many more …

What to expect of the upcoming BikingMan Laos in May 2019? Axel, founder of the series, explored Laos in 2018 accompanied …

What to expect of the upcoming BikingMan Portugal in September 2019? Marcus Leach, finisher of 3 BikingMan races and of all grand …

Read on the global cycling experience we had in Portugal during our recon rides for 2019 edition! We ate too much Pastels cakes, …

Read on the experience we had in Laos during the recon rides we have completed there in 2018. Get an understanding of what …

Robbie Ferrie, 2x world record breaker and english ultracyclist, shares the kit list he has used during the inaugural BikingMan Taiwan in …

Azur TV interviewed Axel Carion during the Big Emission on one of the latest challenges he has achieved: pedaling on the highest runway …

Robbie Ferri, finisher of the 2018 incadivide in less than 195 hours, shares the racing setup he used in Peru. Discover …

Axel Carion, founder of the series and long distance bikepacking explorer, shares key advice to come well prepared in Taiwan. This …

Aaron Lee from Eurosport had an interview with Axel Carion, founder of the BikingMan race series. They shared about the results standings of …

The leaderboard of the season has been updated with Oman, Corsica and Peru race results! You can check who are the leaders of …

Cyclist magazine shared the amazing race report of Marcus Leach, one of BikingMan Oman #1 2018 finishers. Read on his journey as he …

Robbie Ferri, ultracyclist from england who raced the entire 2018 series, is sharing the kit list and bike details he used …

Josh Ibbet, ultracyclist from england and long distance bikepacking traveler, is sharing the kit list and bike details he used in …

The most vertical ultra cycling race on the planet took place in July. 6 athletes out of the 17 who started …

We discussed with Joel Steve, former PRO triathlete (53 ironman completed), Race Across America finisher (1994), coach and expert in bike-fitting. …

Axel Carion, Auteur à BikingMan
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  • Écrivez votre biographie et dites à tout le monde qui vous êtes et ce que vous faites en quelques phrases
  • Une information est incorrecte ? Faites-le nous savoir et nous la corrigerons.

Improve your Hall of Fame profile by making the most out of it:

  • Provide your social networks account and allow everyone to check your pages and follow your feats
  • Write your bio and let everyone know who you are and what you do in a couple sentences
  • Any information is incorrect? Let us know and we will fix it. 
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About BikingMAN

BikingMan is the 1st unsupported ultracycling world championship. We share our passion of exploration cycling, bikepacking and long distance feats and help financing solidarity actions.

#Explore #Endure #Empower

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is the Title partner of the BikingMan championship.
Sharing through the design of their bikes the same values of escape and adventure, Origine has teamed up with BikingMan to immerse you in these extraordinary ultracycling experiences.

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