Notify Me when slots are availableDon't miss a chance to join our events

As the BikingMan Family keeps on growing thanks to you, BikingMan events may end up full before you've had a chance to register.

Enroll to the Notify Me to make sure you're informed when slots become available: You will receive an email notification when some slots have been made available again for the event(s) of your choice.

Waiting list - BikingMan
Completez votre profil Hall of Fame / Complete your Hall of Fame profileAjoutez vos réseaux sociaux, rédigez une courte bio, corrigez vos informations / Add your social networks account, write your short bio, correct your information

Améliorez votre profil Hall of Fame en tirant le meilleur parti de celui-ci :

  • Ajoutez vos comptes de réseaux sociaux et permettez à tout le monde de consulter vos pages et suivre vos exploits
  • Écrivez votre biographie et dites à tout le monde qui vous êtes et ce que vous faites en quelques phrases
  • Une information est incorrecte ? Faites-le nous savoir et nous la corrigerons.

Improve your Hall of Fame profile by making the most out of it:

  • Provide your social networks account and allow everyone to check your pages and follow your feats
  • Write your bio and let everyone know who you are and what you do in a couple sentences
  • Any information is incorrect? Let us know and we will fix it. 
Rejoignez la famille BikingMan / Join the BikingMan familyInscrivez-vous à notre bulletin d'information pour recevoir toutes les actualités sur nos évènements et nos aventures en ultra-bikepacking / Subscribe to our newsletter to receive all our updates on events and ultra bikepacking adventures.

FAQ Having doubts, some questions? Check our FAQDiscover the BIKINGMAN SERIES calendar

About BikingMAN

BikingMan is the 1st unsupported ultracycling world championship. We share our passion of exploration cycling, bikepacking and long distance feats and help financing solidarity actions.

#Explore #Endure #Empower

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